Holds the configuration settings of a LiveView query.

Namespace: StreamBase.LiveView.API
Assembly: StreamBase.LiveView.API (in StreamBase.LiveView.API.dll) Version: (


 C#  Visual Basic  Visual C++ 
public class QueryConfig
Public Class QueryConfig
public ref class QueryConfig


 All Members  Constructors   Fields   Properties   Methods  



 XNA Framework Only 

 .NET Compact Framework Only 

Constructs an empty instance of QueryConfig.
Create a QueryConfig with the given query table. The resulting QueryString will be 'select * from <table>' and the query will be a simple snapshot.
CreateQueryConfig(IList<(Of <<'(String>)>>), String, String, Int32, QueryConfig..::..QueryTypes)
Create a QueryConfig with field expressions, table, predicate, and row limit. The resulting QueryString will be 'select fieldexpr, fieldexpr... from <table> where <predicate> limit <limit>'
Default number of rows returned by a query.
The default delay in propagating a row that satisfies a query's predicate. The default is 0 (no delay).
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
The list of fields and/or dynamic aggregation expressions to query from the table. Dynamic aggregation expression allow you to calculate aggregate values against the table on the fly and assign the result to a new field. For example, assuming Quantity and Price are fields on the table, the following aggregate expression:
Sum(Quantity * Price) AS Value
will create a new field called Value in the query results which will contain the result of evaluating this expression. For more information on dynamic aggregation refer to the LiveView documentation.
Fields Obsolete.
The list of fields to query from the table.
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
The list of GROUP BY expressions that are to be applied to this query.
Whether to include internal fields in the query results.
Limit Obsolete.
The maximum number of rows to return with the query. -1 means no limit is imposed. If/when the number of returned rows exceeds limit, an exception is thrown and the query is closed.
The maximum number of rows to return with the query. -1 means no limit is imposed. If/when the number of returned rows exceeds limit, an exception is thrown and the query is closed.
Unlimited number of rows.
The predicate on which to filter (i.e. the WHERE clause).
String representation of the QueryConfig, in SQL-like syntax. The format is:

select [* | col [,col]*] from table where <predicate> [limit <#rows>]

The kind of query desired.
SetTopN(OrderDefinition, Int32)
Return only the top N results according to the order definition. A continuous query will remove a row when it has added a new row to keep the total result set no larger than N.
The table to query (i.e. the FROM clause).
The number of millisecods to delay before propagating a row that satisfies a query's predicate.
Configures this query as a time-windowed query, using the given start and end time expressions, against the given timestamp field from the target table.

See QueryConfig..::..TimeWindowParams.

Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)

Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also