
StreamBase Administration Client — starts the StreamBase Administration Client, Java implementation


jsbadmin [OPTIONS] [COMMAND]


The jsbadmin command runs a Java implementation of the StreamBase administration client utility, sbadmin. Both commands let you perform StreamBase administration tasks such as addContainer, suspend, resume, and shutdown.


With a few exceptions, the jsbadmin command has the same options as the sbadmin command, as described in sbadmin. The exceptions are:

No space after -u or -p

For jsbadmin, there must be no space between -u and the following URI, and no space between -p and the following port number:

jsbadmin -usb://localhost:10000 listConnections
jsbadmin -p9900 listConnections
enqueue and dequeue support the --json option

The jsbadmin command supports running all jsbc subcommands, in the same way that sbadmin supports all sbc subcommands. When jsbadmin invokes the jsbc enqueue and dequeue subcommands, it supports the --json option. For dequeue, this prints all tuples in the form of a JSON object (as defined on http://www.json.org) instead of the default CSV format. For enqueue, --json specifies that the tuples to be enqueued are in JSON object format. Use this option after the enqueue or dequeue subcommand:

jsbadmin enqueue --json InputPort
jsbadmin dequeue --json OutputPort
-J option supported

The jsbadmin command accepts the -J option, but sbadmin does not.

-J jvm-option

Specifies a system property setting or other JVM argument to be passed to the JVM that runs this jsbadmin command. Use this option to specify temporary settings that affect only the current invocation of jsadmin. You must specify multiple -J options to specify multiple JVM arguments.

A space between the -J and its argument is optional. Use the full option syntax for jvm-option that you would use at the Java command line, including the initial hyphen. For example, specify -J-Dstreambase.log-level=2 to increase the log level for this invocation of jsadmin.

Your jvm-option argument might require surrounding quotes, depending on the characters it contains and the shell you are using. However, do not use quotes to escape the spaces between separate JVM arguments; instead use separate -J options. For example: -J-Xms512M -J-Xmx2G

No arguments for -h and --help

Unlike the sbadmin command, this jsbadmin command's -h and --help options do not take subcommand arguments.


The jsbadmin command accepts the same subcommands as the sbadmin command. See sbadmin.


There is no separate configuration file for jsbadmin. Enabling or changing the StreamBase authentication setting for jsbadmin commands is accomplished by editing <authentication> element of the server configuration file.



Optional. Contains the URI for a StreamBase Server instance. Use this variable to set a default StreamBase URI for StreamBase commands that take the -u option. If set, commands use the URI in this variable, overriding their built-in default URI, which is sb://localhost:10000. If this variable is set, you must use the -u option to communicate with any server other than the one specified in this variable. See the sburi page in the Reference Guide for more on StreamBase URIs.


Optional. Sets the minimum severity of messages that StreamBase writes to logging output. Default is 0, which gets NOTICE level messages and higher. Reasonable values are -1 (which disables NOTICE messages and shows only WARN, ERROR and FATAL messages), 1 (which adds INFO messages to the standard messages), and 2 (which adds DEBUG messages).


syslog (3)