Spotfire for the Mac

Opening an Analysis in Spotfire Analytics for macOS

You can open an analysis by browsing the library, or by selecting an analysis from the list of recently-opened or favorite analyses.

About this task

Perform this task from the Spotfire Analytics for macOS app.

Before you begin

You must have added a library, or connected the Spotfire Analytics for macOS app to TIBCO Cloud.


From the left pane, select from the menu the collection to view.

Collections menu

  • Examples: Analyses provided to demonstrate using Spotfire Analytics for macOS.
  • Recents: Anaylses that have been opened recently on this device.
  • Favorites: Analyses that have been marked as favorites using the Add to favorites menu item in the File menu when the analysis is open.
You can browse the Spotfire web view to the visualization to open.
Note: The version of the Spotfire server you connect to determines the options available to you for browsing and viewing visualizations.


After you open an analysis, the Mac menu bar changes to display the Spotfire Business Author and Consumer menu items.