Creating a Virtual Environment for an Alternative Python Interpreter (Spotfire Analyst Computer)
If you want to create an SPK containing a different Python interpreter than the one distributed with Spotfire Service for Python, but you do not want to package it from within that Python interpreter, then you can create a virtual environment and create the SPK there.
This procedure describes creating a virtual environment to keep your installation of Python pristine, in the case where you either do not want to (or cannot) install the "spotfire" package into the Python interpreter. If you want to install the "spotfire" package into your alternative Python installation, see Creating a Spotfire Package for an Alternative Python Interpreter (for Windows).
Perform this task from the command prompt on the Windows computer where Spotfire is installed.
Before you begin, complete the following tasks.
- Download and install a suitable 64-bit Python interpreter. Python 3.7 or higher is required. Make sure it is configured to work correctly with your system. (The steps in this task demonstrate building the Python interpreter using Python version 3.8.10.)
- Download TIBCO Spotfire® Statistics Services installation for your operating system from the TIBCO product site (license and account required). Spotfire® Statistics Services includes the Spotfire Service for Python.
- In the Spotfire Statistics Services downloaded bundle, find the component Spotfire Service for Python.
- Extract the contents of the Spotfire Service for Python installation archive.