Important information
TIBCO Spotfire Mobile documentation and support services
TIBCO Spotfire Deployment Kit for Apple iOS
Customized Spotfire for iOS app features and limitations
Spotfire Deployment Kit for Apple iOS contents
Customization workflow
Setting up the build environment
Customize the app string, image resources, and settings
Sign the app for distribution
Modifying the app identifier
Setting team and developer account options
Setting the capability for keychain sharing
Modifying the app icon
Editing the launch screen storyboard
Adding optional content to the Settings view footer area
Changing the app title
Modifying the app iTunes store picture
Modifying the app version number
Modifying the app end user license agreement
The app strings
Modifying the app strings
Localizing the app strings
Modifying the app images
The app settings
Changing the titles of values in Settings
Making settings read-only
Remove settings
Localizing the app settings
Customizing the list of settings that appear in the app Settings view
Customize app behavior
MyConfiguration.plist file
Defining keywords for dynamic configuration values
Security considerations
Configurations for a custom login page
Setting start-up action
Specifying authentication through Spotfire Business Author
Adding preconfigured server connections to the sidebar
Setting the launch screen display duration
Disable user actions and views
Preventing users from adding or editing libraries
Preventing users from editing Favorites
Hiding the Favorites view
Hiding the Examples view
Hiding the app help
Hiding the Recently-Viewed view
Hiding the Info button in the Analysis view toolbar
Hiding the Close button in the custom web view
Providing custom app help
Adding custom menu items to the sidebar
Adding an alert for closing the Analysis view
Adding an alert for closing a custom view
Configuring application usage tracking
Google Analytics tags
Google Analytics tag: appEvent
Google Analytics tag: appTiming
Google Analytics tag: openScreen
Specify Examples view analyses
JSON example keys
JSON security considerations
Migrate from Spotfire Deployment Kit for Apple iOS 2.x
TIBCO Spotfire® Deployment Kit for Apple iOS Release Notes
New Features
Deprecated and Removed Features
Migration and Compatibility
Changes in Functionality
Closed Issues for Spotfire Deployment Kit for Apple iOS
Closed Issues for Spotfire for Apple iOS app
Known Issues