Increasing the database memory size on the Tomcat server

If you encounter an out-of-memory error between regular cleanup intervals, consider increasing the memory allotted on the Tomcat server for the Spotfire Statistics Services database.

Perform this task on the computer where Spotfire Statistics Services is installed. On Windows, run as administrator from the command line.


You must have administrative access to write to the system files on the computer where Spotfire Statistics Services is installed.


  1. Stop the Spotfire Statistics Services service.
  2. Find the Tomcat server property file.
    • On Linux, open the script init.d/spserver.
    • On Windows, from the command line, run the tool SPSERVER_HOME/tomcat/bin/<service_name>w.exe (where SPSERVER_HOME is your server installation directory and <service_name> is the value you provided for the service name during installation).
  3. Change the memory setting for the database on the Tomcat server to an appropriate size (for example, 2048M).
    • On Linux, change the X_MEM property to be 2048M.
    • On Windows, in the Service Properties dialog box, click the Java tab, and then in the Java Options box, add the setting -Xmx=2048M.


The memory size for the database on the Tomcat server is increased to the specified size.

What to do next

If you continue to see out-of-memory errors, then try Modifying the cleanup frequency.