Database properties

The database configuration properties for Spotfire Statistics Services are contained in the file We use the standard Java properties file conventions to define each database property.

Note: If you are using the H2 database implementation in a standalone installation, you can disregard setting properties. The default implementation works as is and requires no configuration.

If you are using the H2 database implementation in a cluster, you must configure it.

  • In a cluster installation, the file is stored in the conf directory under SPSERVER_SHARE. When you install a new node in a cluster, provide this location so that all the nodes in the cluster can find the centralized configuration.
  • In a standalone installation, the file is stored in the conf directory under SPSERVER_HOME.

In a default installation, the full path to the file is:

Spotfire Statistics Services installed on Windows C:\Program Files\TIBCO\statsvcs1010\<service_name>\conf
Spotfire Statistics Services installed on UNIX/Linux /opt/TIBCO/statsvcs1010/conf
Note: You must restart the Spotfire Statistics Services service to include any changes that you make in the file.

When you restart the Spotfire Statistics Services service, the server resumes processing queued jobs. However, because restarting the Spotfire Statistics Services service also stops the pool of S engines, any job that has not completed is marked as failed. To prevent this, we recommend that you wait until all jobs have completed before you restart the service. Alternatively, you can resubmit failed jobs after restarting the service.

To monitor job status, use the jobs function. For more information about the jobs function, see the URL API documentation, available from the Spotfire Statistics Services landing page.