Installing an additional node on UNIX or Linux

Complete these tasks to add a Manager or Worker node to a UNIX or Linux installation of a Spotfire Statistics Services cluster.


  1. Log on as the user under which Spotfire Statistics Services will run. You should make sure to use the same user account to install all the nodes in your cluster.
  2. Make sure that the user has permissions to write to the desired installation directory.
  3. You must use the same installer file that you used in the procedure To install the initial Manager node. From the Spotfire Statistics Services installation media, run the installation executable.
  4. License Agreement: Read the license agreement and if you agree to the terms, select I accept the terms of the License Agreement.
  5. Installation Type: Select the node type.
    • Cluster: Manager Node
    • Cluster: Worker Node
  6. Installation Path: Either accept the default, type a path, or choose a path.
  7. Cluster Share: Type or choose the path that you defined for your cluster file share (Cluster file share). If you are adding a Worker node to an existing cluster, provide the same Cluster Share Path you specified for the Manager node.
  8. Service user:
    • Windows: To configure the Spotfire Statistics Services (service_name), type the credentials for the service account and then click Next.
    • UNIX/Linux: The service runs in the context of the user that you are using to run this installer.
    For both Windows and UNIX/Linux, this account must have read/write access to SPSERVER_SHARE as well as permission to access any other Spotfire Statistics Services resources.
    Note: All nodes in the cluster must use the same credentials. In Windows, you must use the same service account and in UNIX/Linux, you must run the installer under the same account on each node.
  9. Pre-Installation Summary: Review your selected options, and then click Install or press ENTER.
    The Installing TIBCO Spotfire Statistics Services<service_name> panel appears while the server is installed and configured.
  10. Start Service: Click Next or press ENTER.
    If you selected Start Service, Spotfire Statistics Services (service_name) is started when installation completes. If you do not want the service to start at this time, clear Start Service.
    Note: If the Service User has not been granted the Log on as a service right, clear Start Service or grant the user the Log on as a service right.
  11. Install Complete: Click Done or press ENTER.
    Note: If you encounter issues with the installation, you should review the installation log file at SPSERVER_HOME/Install_SplusServer.log.
  12. To configure the service to run when the computer starts, you must register the init scripts with system init by running the following command as root: SPSERVER_HOME/init.d/
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