
After you complete the Spotfire Statistics Services installation, we recommend that you validate the installation to ensure that Spotfire Statistics Services is operating normally.

To verify that Spotfire Statistics Services is operating normally, open a web browser and, in the address bar, send a request using the following URLs. These URLs exercise all services: Administration, Expression, Function, and WebDAV.

URL Description
Returns the Spotfire Statistics Services landing page with links to the documentation and programming interfaces.
Displays server version information useful for support purposes.
Exercises the engine pool using the Expression service.
Exercises the engine pool using the Function service.
Note: The servername:port corresponds to the Service URL you specified during installation. In some examples, we use the default service_name, SplusServer; however, you might have named your service something else.

The results of the third and fourth URLs in Table 2.4 should be nearly identical. Examine the resulting XML to find the value for the ResultDir element. It should look like the following:


Copy the URL from the ResultDir element and paste it in the address box of your browser. This URL should display a page that lists the files in the directory and you should see a 0.0 kb file named validate.txt. Spotfire Statistics Services is operating normally if the validation does not produce an error or result in any other unexpected behavior.

Note: For additional assistance contact technical support at