Restarting the service on UNIX or Linux

If the Spotfire Statistics Services service is stopped, you must restart it manually, unless you have configured it to start automatically after restarting the machine.

Note: The user who performs this task must own the entire Spotfire Statistics Services installation. When the system is ready, issue the following commands in a terminal with the appropriate value for SPSERVER_HOME


  1. Open a terminal and log in with the user account that will be used to run Spotfire Statistics Services.
  2. When the system is ready, issue the following commands in a terminal with the appropriate value for SPSERVER_HOME:
    $SPSERVER_HOME/init.d/spserver restart
    The service should start and be ready to use.
    Note: If you encounter issues, see the service dedicated log file, SplusServer.log, located in SPSERVER_HOME/tomcat/logs (for standalone installations) or SPSERVER_HOME/worker/logs (for Worker nodes).