TIBCO Spotfire® Statistics Services Installation and Administration

Remote monitoring and management with JMX

You can monitor Spotfire Statistics Services using TIBCO Hawk or any other Java Management Extensions (JMX) -compliant monitoring tool, like JConsole, which is a part of the Java SDK.

When you install Spotfire Statistics Services, Remote Monitoring and Management is enabled by default. During installation, you are prompted for a required user name (by default, admin) and password. These credentials are specific to this standalone server installation or to the entire cluster. We recommend against using your login/domain credentials.

You must access the JMX server from your chosen monitoring tool using the following URL:


Using remote management and monitoring through JMX, you can perform the following tasks:

  • Restart Manager or Worker nodes.
  • View and edit the server configuration.
  • Perform job and package management.
  • Manage nodes in a cluster.

After installation, you can use the spserver.properties settings to perform the following tasks:

For more information on additional configuration options for Remote Management and Monitoring via JMX, see http://java.sun.com/javase/7/docs/technotes/guides/management/agent.html.