Update Property

Using REST you can update BE property for one or multiple instances. It is supported only when you are using deployment with TIBCO Enterprise Administrator mode.

Here is a generic cURL example that updates BE property for one or multiple instances.

curl -u <USER>:<PASSWORD> -X POST -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -v 
"<BROKER_URL>:<BROKER_PORT>/livecluster/rest/v1/sf/engines/ <DAEMON_ID>/<ENGINE_INSTANCE>/archives" -F 
"archiveFile=@<ARCHIVE_FILE>" -F "COMMAND=savebeproperty" -F "INSTANCES=<INSTANCE_1,INSTANCE_2,...,INSTANCE_n>" 

INSTANCES : Identifies multiple instance names

PROPNAME : The BE property name.

PROPVALUE : The BE property value