Starting a Conversation

You start a conversation in an analysis by posting a comment. The replies to the comment will be added to the conversation thread. The posted comment contains your text message but it also captures the current state of the analysis. The state includes, for example, on which position the comment is made, what is filtered, and what is marked in the current view of the visualizations. This means that you, before posting the comment, can adjust the view to point to data of certain interest. Your co-workers will, when opening the conversation later on, return to the context in which the post was made.

The comment is associated with the visualization in which it was posted. If you move the visualization to another position, the conversation thread will follow.

To start a conversation:

  1. In case the collaboration mode is not activated, on the menu bar, click Collaboration , or select View > Collaboration.

  2. On the opened toolbar, click Start conversation, .

    Tip: The steps above can be replaced by right-clicking a visualization, and selecting Start conversation in the opened menu.

    Response: A comment text field opens on the active visualization.



    You can, if you want, move the comment by dragging the green anchor symbol to another position, within or outside the visualization.  

  3. Type your message in the text field.

    Comment: Filter to, and mark data of interest to draw attention to what you want to discuss in the analysis. The analysis state will be captured when posting the comment.

  4. Click Post.

    Response: The conversation is started and is now available to others for exchanging information. A reply can be added beneath the initial comment.

    Moreover, in the visualization title, the number showing how many conversations are associated with the visualization increases by 1.

See also:

Collaboration using Conversations