
Spotfire reserves two document properties for adding location services (or geo-positioning) to an analysis. Such an analysis is designed to be used on an iOS mobile device. The document properties are named AppGeoLatitude and AppGeoLongitude and are of data type Real.

An analysis that contains these document properties displays an active location icon on an iOS mobile device, such as an iPad or iPhone. If the document properties are not included in the analysis, the positioning icon is not available.

When you add the document properties to a Spotfire analysis, set them both to 0.0. (The app interprets these values as setting the location to inactive.) When the iOS device user taps the location icon in the app, the current latitude and longitude are passed to the document properties.   

Tip: A data table with columns containing latitude and longitude can take advantage of the Spotfire expression method GreatCircleDistance() to create a calculated column containing the distance between the device location and all locations in the data. Multiply the resulting value by the radius of the planet.

For example, the following expression gives the distance in kilometers.

6371 * GreatCircleDistance(${AppGeoLatitude}, ${AppGeoLongitude}, [latitude_column_name], [longitude-column_name])


For more information about designing for a small screen, see Designing TIBCO Spotfire® Analytics for Small-Screen Display.

See also:

Adding Location Capabilities to a Map Visualization

Finding Your Location

Saving an Analysis file in the Library

How to Edit Document Properties

Details on Document Properties – Properties