When a new visualization is created, the default limitation setting is that the visualization is affected by the current filtering on the page where it resides. However, there are many alternatives for you to set up the visualization available on the Data page of the Visualization Properties dialog.
To limit a visualization by the union of two markings:
The default when limiting data by more than one marking is that data must be available in all markings (intersection) to be shown in the limited visualization. However, you can change Rows must be included in to Any marking on the Data page.
To set up a visualization to use a different filtering scheme than the one on the page:
Right-click in the visualization to display the pop-up menu.
Select Properties.
Go to the Data page.
Under Limit data using filterings, clear the Use the current filtering scheme from the page check box and select a different filtering scheme instead.
Comment: The difference between selecting the Use the current filtering scheme from the page option and the (Currently used) filtering scheme is that in the first case, the filtering scheme of the visualization will change when the filtering scheme of the page is changed. In the latter case, it will not.
Comment: It is possible to limit a visualization by more than one filtering scheme. In this case, the intersection of the filterings will be used. This means that the visualization will show only the data that is made visible by all of the filtering schemes.
To create an unfiltered visualization:
Right-click in the visualization to display the pop-up menu.
Select Properties.
Go to the Data page.
Clear all check boxes under Limit data using filterings.
To limit a visualization by an expression:
If you want to display data for a special category only, you can set up a "hard filter" on the visualization using a boolean expression.
Right-click in the visualization to display the pop-up menu.
Select Properties.
Go to the Data page.
Next to Limit data using expression, click Edit.
Type a boolean expression in the dialog and click OK.
Comment: Clear the expression field and click OK to remove the hard filter.
Note: If you use more than one type of limiting on the Data page, then the different types of limiting will be combined so that the result will be Marking limiting AND Filtering limiting AND Expression limiting.
Tip: The Filter rows transformation is similar to the Limit data using expression option on the Data page. If the expression used should affect all visualizations in the analysis it is more efficient to add the limitation as a Filter rows transformation. See Creating a Filter Transformation for more information.
See also: