Details on Set from Property

This dialog is used to specify that a value should be picked from a document property. See Using Properties in the Analysis for more information.

To reach the Set from Property dialog from a visualization axis:

  1. Create a visualization.

  2. Right-click on the column selector where you want to use a property.

  3. Select Set from Property... from the pop-up menu.



Select the property to use

Click to select a property to use for setting the value. Note that only string properties can be used on axes.

The string value of the property will be interpreted as a column name or a property expression. See Properties in Expressions for more information about the syntax for property expressions.

When other values are to be specified there may be other limitations to which values are allowed.


Opens the New Property dialog where you can define a new property to define the value.

Note that you can only use string properties on axes. In that context, the property should contain a value that can be interpreted as a column or a column expression.


Allows you to edit the first (default) value to use on the selected property.


Deletes the selected document property.

See also:

Details on Property Control