Data in Analysis Pop-up Menu

Right-click in the Data in analysis flyout  to bring up the pop-up menu. You will have access to different options depending on where in the flyout you click.

Data Tables




Allows you to change the name of the selected data table.

Sort order

Changes the display of columns in the flyout. Choose from: Categorized, No sorting, Ascending or Descending views (and Hierarchical, for cube data).

Set as default data table

Sets the selected data table to be the default data table in the analysis.

Data table properties

Opens the Data Table Properties dialog where you can edit the properties of the data tables in the analysis. Here, you can add regular relations between the data tables in Spotfire, internal as well as external, which allow you to use details visualizations and propagate marking and filtering between the data tables.





Allows you to change the name of the selected column.

Note: The columns use the same name as their corresponding filters, so renaming a column will also change the filter name, if a filter exists for the column.


[Only available for in-memory data tables.]

Deletes the selected columns from the data table.

Create filter

[Only available for columns which currently do not have a corresponding filter.]

Creates filters for the selected columns.

Note: When working with cube data it is not possible to create filters for measures or sets, only for dimension columns.

Change categorization

Allows you to change the category for the selected column. The different categories are Numbers, Currency, Time, Location, Categories, Identifiers, Text, Images, and Binary. Which categories are available depends on the data type of the column.

For example, if a column containing employee numbers is categorized as Numbers but should be handled as Identifiers or as Categories, you can change its category here.

The category of a column will affect which kinds of visualizations are advised in Recommended visualizations, and what will happen when you drag the column and drop it on different targets.


Allows you to find a geocoding hierarchy in the library and manually specify that a column should be used for geocoding at a certain hierarchy level.

For example, if a column contains state names you can use this menu to specify that this column actually contains US states. Use the tooltip to see some example data of a certain type of encoding to find the correct match.

This information can then be used to place data at its correct location in a map chart.

When a selection is done in the menu, the column properties specifying the GeocodingType, GeocodingRepresentation and GeocodingHierarchyName are automatically set.

If you know that a column contains Longitude or X-coordinates, then select the Longitude / X option, etc. You can also click on Auto-match to make Spotfire attempt to match the content of the column to an existing geocoding hierarchy in the library.


[Available when more than one column is selected in the Data in analysis flyout.]

Provides a quick way to change the shape of the data from a short/wide format to a tall/skinny format (i.e., to combine several columns with similar values into a single value column and a category column displaying the origin of the values). See Unpivoting Data for more information.

Column properties

Opens the Column Properties dialog where you can edit the properties of the columns in the analysis.

See also:

Data in Analysis