Combination Chart Properties – Legend



Show legend

Specifies whether or not the legend should be shown in the visualization.


Specifies which side of the visualization the legend should be positioned: the right-hand side or the left-hand side.

Max number of values per legend item

Set the max number of values to show per legend item for an individual instance of a visualization. What you set here takes effect immediately.

This setting is even preserved when you save and open the analysis in another Spotfire instance that might have a different max number set.

Display the following legend items

Specifies what will be shown in the legend.

By clearing a check box you will completely hide that item from the legend. You can also select to show or hide parts of the legend information using the check boxes under Settings for the selected item in the list, see below.

The number you specify here must be between 1 and 250.

Settings for selected legend item

Defines how the selected legend item or its values should be displayed. The available options vary between legend items.

   Show title

Use this option to show or hide the title for the selected item. The title is typically what is displayed above an axis selector or similar:

   Show axis selector

Use this option to show or hide the axis selector for the selected item.

   Show values horizontally


Use this option to show the values of the selected legend item horizontally or to keep them in the vertical legend.

See also:

Combination Chart Properties

What is a Combination Chart?

How to Use the Combination Chart