Range Filter

The range filter lets you narrow down the data shown to a range of values.

Interacting with the range filter

An important feature of the range filter is that the values are distributed on a linear scale according to the values of the data. Thus, if values are unevenly distributed, this will be reflected in the range filter. Note that this is not the case with item filters, where values are distributed at even intervals along the range of the slider, regardless of the actual numeric values.

Changing the scale:

If the values of a column are unevenly distributed, you may want to change the scale used on the range slider to get better granularity when moving the slider handles. A column with many low values but only a few high values can benefit from using a Log10 scale. The scale setting does not alter the data in any way, just how the values are distributed along the slider.

  1. Right-click on the range filter to bring up the pop-up menu.

  2. Select Filtering Scheme Properties.

    Response: The Filtering Scheme Properties dialog is opened.

  3. Under Filter settings, select Scale: Log10.

  4. Click OK.

    Response: See example below.

    Example: In the example below the range filter represents a column with many low values but only a few high values.

    The first image below shows the filter with Original scale – the middle of the slider represents the value 250:

    The image below shows the filter when the scale has been changed to Log10 Scale – the middle of the slider represents the value 26. It is now easy to set the left handle to specific low values:

    Note: Resetting a range filter by selecting Reset Filter from the right-click menu only affects the range of values in the filter. This means that if the scale has been set to Log10, it will not be changed back to Original.

Filtering the data range:

Sometimes you might wish to filter the data in a column using a smaller range than the full range of the column. If so, you can set a range filter to encompass only a smaller range.

  1. The original range filter span is 1 to 500.  

  2. Move the drag box to narrow down the selection.  

  3. Right-click on the range filter to bring up the pop-up menu.

  4. Select Filtering Scheme Properties.

    Response: The Filtering Scheme Properties dialog is opened.

  5. Under Filter settings, select Data range: Specific.

  6. Click on the Range from Filtered button.

  7. Click OK.  

    Response: The range filter expands to its full width, but with the range 296 to 500. Three dots are displayed to indicate that the range is not the original full range.  

Setting the data range without filtering:

You can also set the data range in the Filtering Scheme Properties dialog without filtering out any data beforehand.

  1. Right-click on the range filter to bring up the pop-up menu.

  2. Select Filtering Scheme Properties.

    Response: The Filtering Scheme Properties dialog is opened.

  3. Under Filter settings, select Data range: Specific.

  4. Enter Min and Max values in the provided fields.

  5. Click OK.

    Response: The range filter is displayed at its full width, but ranging between the values you provided in the Min and Max fields. Three dots are displayed to indicate that the range is not the original full range.

See also:

Filtering Data

Grouping Filters

Filters Panel Properties