Details on Excel Import

This dialog is shown when you open Microsoft Excel files (XLSX or XLS) in Spotfire.

Note: Make sure that your worksheet only contains one data table. If the worksheet contains more than one data table, your data might not be displayed correctly.

To reach the Excel Import dialog:

  1. Click Files and data .

  2. In the Files and data flyout, click Browse local file.

  3. Browse to a Microsoft Excel file and click Open.




Select the worksheet containing the data you wish to import.

Note: If you cannot see all worksheets available in the file, try saving and closing the file in Excel before you open it in Spotfire.


Updates the Data preview field to reflect any changes made to the settings.

Ignore empty rows

Select the check box to skip empty rows during import.

Data preview

Shows how the file will be interpreted, given the specified settings.


Double-click on a column name to edit the name.


Change the type for a column by clicking on the arrow and selecting the new type from the drop-down menu. The available data types are: String, Integer, Real, Currency, Date, Time, DateTime, TimeSpan, LongInteger, SingleReal and Boolean. If an inapplicable data type is selected, the data in the preview will be displayed in italics once you have clicked on the Refresh button.


Clear the check box to ignore a specific column upon import.


The drop-down list available on each row contains the following options:



Name row

Select this option on the row or rows that will be used to specify the column names in the imported data.

Type row

Select this option on the row that will be used to specify the data types.

Data row

Select this option for all data rows that you wish to import.


Select this option for rows that should be ignored during import.

Tip: Select multiple rows in the data preview field and right-click to show a pop-up menu where you can select Ignore or Set as Data Row for several rows at a time.

See also:

Loading Data Overview

Choosing the Data to Analyze

Details on Import Settings