Importing to Library

To import any content into the library from file, you must be a member of the Library Administrator group.

Note: Before importing content into the library, you should always make a backup of your existing library by using the Export function. Read more about this in Exporting from Library.

Note: If you export from a Spotfire Server version 12.0 or later using the Library Administration tool, then you cannot import the exported content to a Spotfire Server version prior to 12.0. This is related to compression of the library content. However, you can use the server CLI command export-library-content instead, and specify not to use compression if needed.
Import between different versions is supported from the version you are using for the export back to and including all previous versions up until the latest previous LTS version. See Overview of TIBCO Spotfire releases for a list of currently supported versions.

Note: When information model elements are being imported, the elements should not be accessed from the library or from Information Designer until after the import has been completed. If the import takes place on a server used by others, it is recommended either that no external access is allowed during the import, or that the information model is temporarily imported into a folder with no access permissions for other users. After the import has been performed, the permissions for the import folder can be changed, or the resulting elements can be moved to another place in the library.

To import content into the library from file:

  1. In the Library Administration tool, click on the Import button.

    Response: The Import dialog opens.

  2. Click Browse.

    Response: The Select File to Import dialog opens.

  3. Select the file you want to import, and click OK.

    Comment: You can only import zip archives containing appropriate library content. It is not possible to import a single analysis. Also, such zip archives must be placed in a specific folder (or in its sub-folders) on a specific machine. This folder is called the "Shared Disk Location" and is specified from the TIBCO Spotfire Server. This folder is by default located on the TIBCO Spotfire Server in the folder <server installation directory>/tomcat/application-data/library. See the TIBCO Spotfire Server and Environment – Installation and Administration Manual for more information.

  4. In the Import items of type drop-down list, select whether or not you want to limit the import to only include certain types of items.

  5. Select if you want to Include permissions if such are stored in the file. If you do not include any permissions, the imported items will inherit the permissions of the destination folder.

  6. Select Ignore empty directories if you do not want to import any empty library folders.

  7. Select how you want to handle any potential name and/or GUID conflicts.

    Comment: Read more about how to handle conflicts in How Are Conflicts Resolved?

  8. Click OK.

    Response: The Select Destination Folder dialog opens.

  9. Select a folder to import to, and click OK.

    Response: The Library Import status dialog opens.

  10. Click Refresh to update the status messages in the dialog.

  11. Click Close when the Log states Import done.

See also:

How Are Conflicts Resolved?