Making Sure that a Linked Copy to Data Table is Updated on Source Change

In all new analysis files (v 7.0 and forward), data tables based on a linked copy to data table in analysis (previously called 'Data table from current analysis' or 'data table data source') are automatically updated when the source data table changes. However, if you have old analysis files, you may want to update the analyses to get automatic updates there too.

To update an old analysis so a data table data source is automatically updated:

  1. On the authoring bar, click Data canvas .

  2. Make sure the data table of interest is selected.

    Comment: This step is only applicable if you have two or more data tables in the analysis.

  3. In the graphical structure, click on the node representing the data source and, in the step list to the lower left, select Edit settings from the menu on the step.

  4. Response: The Linked copy to data table in analysis dialog is shown.

  5. Select the check box Automatic update.

  6. Click OK to close the dialog.

  7. Click File > Save to save the analysis.

See also:

Choosing the Data to Analyze

Loading Data Overview

Linked Copy to Data Table in Analysis