You can right-click on the add bookmark button, , to select the Add
Bookmark Special option and select exactly which bookmark parts to
include in your bookmark.
Right-click on a bookmark to bring up the pop-up menu for the bookmarks. You can always apply any bookmarks that are visible to you in an analysis, but whether or not you can add new bookmarks, or update, delete and otherwise modify existing ones depends on permissions defined by the creator of the analysis as well as your licenses. See Permissions to learn more.
Option |
Description |
Apply |
Sets the analysis to the state defined by the bookmark. |
Special |
Allows you to apply only a part of a bookmark. Select one or more of the following parts: Page Layout and Visualizations – Applies the same layout and setup of the visualizations as when the bookmark was captured. This includes all specified visualization properties. For example, selections on the axes of a visualization, coloring, formatting, and which visualization features are shown or hidden. Active Page – Sets the active page to the page that was active when the bookmark was captured. Active Visualization – Sets the active visualization to the one that was active when the bookmark was captured. This includes whether or not the active visualization was maximized. Filter Settings – Sets the filtering and filter types to those used when the bookmark was captured. You need to select Set all filters, Set only adjusted filters, or Mark filtered rows from the submenu. See below for a description of these alternatives. Filter Organization – Sets the layout of the filters panel (sort order, filter groups, hidden filters) to the same as when the bookmark was captured. Markings – Marks the items that were marked in the visualizations when the bookmark was captured. Note that you can only apply this part of a bookmark if you use the same marking in the visualizations as when the bookmark was captured. Properties – Applies any editable document, data table, and column properties used on the active page, as well as any property values referred to in a property control. |
Rename |
Allows you to change the name of the selected bookmark. |
Allows you to copy and share URLs pointing to a specific bookmark state for an analysis. Select one of the link types listed below. See Links to Analyses in the Library for more information about the different link types. Note that Copy Bookmark URL is only available when the bookmark has been stored in the library. |
for Web Client Users |
Copies the URL for the analysis at the state of the selected bookmark, so that a link can be used to open the analysis using the Spotfire web client. Select this option if you know that your target audience all use the web client. |
for Users of the Installed Client |
Copies the URL for the analysis at the state of the selected bookmark, so that a link can be used to open the analysis directly using the installed client. Select this option if you want to send your insights to a fellow analyst working in Spotfire. |
that Lets the Recipients Choose Client |
Copies a link to a redirect page where the end users of the link can choose whether they want to open the analysis using the installed client or the web client. Select this option if you do not know what type of clients are available for the audience of the link or if you do know that some of the people have access to the installed client and some have only the Spotfire web client. For example, use this option to publish a URL in a blog post which can be read by people from many departments and at different positions in your company. |
Bookmark |
Makes the selected bookmark private. |
Public Bookmark |
as Private Bookmark |
Creates a private copy of the selected bookmark. |
Update Bookmark |
Updates the bookmark to the current state in the analysis. Note that if you have captured a partial bookmark, only the parts included in the original bookmark will be updated. |
Delete |
Deletes the selected bookmark. |
Filter Settings Submenu
Option |
Description |
All Filters |
Applies the exact filter settings for the active filtering scheme, as stored in the bookmark. |
Set Only Adjusted Filters |
Keeps everything as it is in the filters panel except for those filters that were changed in the bookmark, which are updated. |
Mark Filtered Rows |
Uses the filter condition from the bookmark to mark rows in the analysis, but leaves the filtering exactly as it was before applying the bookmark. |