Color Modes Overview

A color mode can be described as the way the colors in a color scheme are assigned to the values in the data. For example, you can determine whether you want the items in your visualization to get distinct colors representing different categories, or if you want to see a gradient color transition between two or more anchor points in a range of values.

The following color modes are available in Spotfire:

Which color modes are available depends on the characteristics of the column or hierarchy you have selected to color the visualization by. For a column in categorical scale mode you can select Categorical or Fixed color mode. For a column in continuous scale mode you can choose one of the following color modes: Gradient, Segments, Fixed, or Unique values. The data type in the selected column decides which scale mode the column will be set to by default, as well as if it is possible to change the scale mode.

Note: In tables, cross tables, and heat maps coloring is always continuous. This means that the color mode Categorical is not applicable. However, you can use the color mode Unique values to get a categorical appearance in those visualizations. To learn more about coloring in these visualization types, see Coloring in Tables, Cross Tables and Heat Maps.

See also:

Coloring Overview

Color Schemes Overview

Color Rules Overview