Supported Functions

Date and time functions

Add_Months, AtTimeZone, Convert_Timezone, Date, DateAdd, DateDiff, Date_Cmp, Date_Cmp_Timestamp, Date_From_Unix_Date, Date_Part, Date_Part_Year, Date_Trunc, Day, DayOfMonth, DayOfWeek, DayOfYear, Extract, Hour, Interval_Cmp, Last_Day, Millennium, Millisecond, Minute, Month, Months_Between, Next_Day, Quarter, Second, Timestamp_Cmp, Timestamp_Cmp_Date, Timestamp_Micros, Timestamp_Millis, Timestamp_Seconds, Timestamp_Trunc, Timezone, To_Timestamp, Trunc, Unix_Date, Unix_Micros, Unix_Millis, Unix_Seconds, Week, Year

Conversion functions

SN, To_Char, To_Date, To_Number

Math functions

Abs, ACos, ACosH, ASin, ASinH, ATan, ATan2, ATanH, Bit_Count, Cbrt, Ceil, Ceiling, Checksum, Cos, CosH, Cot, Degrees, DExp, Div, DLog1, DLog10, Exp, Floor, Fnv_Hash, From_Hex, Greatest, IEEE_Divide, Is_Inf, Is_NaN, Least, Ln, Log, Mod, Pi, Power, Radians, Random, Round, Safe_Divide, SHA, SHA1, SHA2, Sign, Sin, SinH, Sqrt, Tan, TanH, To_Hex


+, -, *, /, %, &

Statistical functions

Approximate_Percentile_Disc, Avg, Corr, Count, Covar_pop, Covar_samp, First, Last, Max, Median, Min, Percentile_Cont, Stddev_Pop, Stddev_Samp,Sum, UniqueCount, Var_Pop, Var_Samp

Text functions

BpCharCmp, BTrim, Bttext_Pattern_Cmp, CharIndex, Char_Length, Chr,Concat, CRC32, Ends_With, Initcap, Is_Valid_JSON, Is_Valid_JSON_Array, JSON_Array_Length, JSON_Extract_Array_Element_Text, JSON_Extract_Path_Text, LeftStr, Length, Lower, Lpad, LTrim, Md5, Octet_Length, Position, Quote_Ident, Quote_Literal, Regexp_Contains, Regexp_Count, Regexp_Instr, Regexp_Replace, Regexp_Substr, Repeat, Replace, Replicate, Reverse, RightStr, Rpad, RTrim, Split_Part, Starts_With, Strpos, Strtol, Substring, Translate, Trim, Upper

Aggregation functions

ApproximateCount, Bit_And, Bit_Or, Bool_And, Bool_Or, CountIf, ListAgg

Spatial functions

GeometryType, ST_AddPoint, ST_Area, ST_AsBinary, ST_AsEWKB, ST_AsEWKT, ST_AsGeoJSON, ST_AsText, ST_Azimuth, ST_Contains, ST_CoveredBy, ST_Covers, ST_Dimension, ST_Disjoint, ST_Distance, ST_DistanceSphere, ST_DWithin, ST_EndPoint, ST_Envelope, ST_Equals, ST_GeometryN, ST_GeometryType, ST_GeomFromEWKB, ST_GeomFromText, ST_GeomFromWKB, ST_Intersects, ST_IsClosed, ST_IsCollection, ST_IsEmpty, ST_Length, ST_Length2D, ST_LineFromMultiPoint, ST_MakeLine, ST_MakePoint, ST_MakePolygon, ST_MemSIze, ST_NPoints, ST_NRings, ST_NumGeometries, ST_NumInteriorRings, ST_NumPoints, ST_Perimeter, ST_Perimeter2D, ST_Point, ST_PointN, ST_Polygon, ST_RemovePoint, ST_SetSRID, ST_SRID, ST_StartPoint, ST_Touches, ST_Within, ST_X, ST_XMax, ST_XMin, ST_Y, ST_YMax, ST_YMin


Binning is supported.

For binning, you can use the Auto-bin column functionality.

You can also use the following Spotfire binning functions:
BinByDateTime, BinByEvenIntervals, BinBySubstring

The custom function Width_Bucket is also available:


See also:

Details on Amazon Redshift Connection

Amazon Redshift Data Types