Supported Functions

The following are the functions that the IBM DB2 connector supports.

Supported functions are the functions that you can use when you work with in-database data tables, for example for calculated columns and custom expressions.

Important: Some supported functions might not be possible to use with your database. This depends on what functions are available in the database, which often differs between database versions and types

Date and Time functions

Day, DayName, DayOfWeek, DayOfYear, Hour, Microsecond, Minute, Month, MonthName, Month_Between, Next_Day, Quarter, Second, Week, WeekOfYear, Year, DayOfMonth, SecondOfDay, WeekOfMonth

Conversion functions


Math functions

Abs, Ceiling, Degress, Exp, Floor, Ln, Log10, Max, Min, Mod, Power, Radians, Rand, Round, Sign, Sqrt, Trunc, Acos, Asin, Atan, Atan2, Atanh, Cos, Cosh, Cot, Sin, Sinh, Tan, Tanh


 %, -, +, *, /

Statistical functions

Avg, Count, UniqueCount, Count_Big, Min, Max, Stddev, Sum, Variance

Text functions

ASCII, Concat, Initcap, Insert, Instr, Lcase, LeftStr, Length, Lower, Lpad, Ltrim, Overlay, Position, PosStr, Repeat, Replace, RightStr, Rpad, Rtrim, Soundex, Space, SubStr, Trim, Ucase, Upper


Binning is not supported by this connector.

See also:

Details on IBM DB2 Connection

IBM DB2 Data Types