Details on Data Relationships



Data table

Specifies the data table on which the calculation will be performed.

Calculation name

The name that will be displayed on the new page, created by the data relationships calculation.

Comparison method

The method by which you wish to compare the columns. Choose from:

Linear regression (numerical vs numerical)

Linear regression (numerical vs numerical) with intercept and slope

Spearman R (numerical vs numerical)

Anova (numerical vs categorical)

Kruskal-Wallis (numerical vs categorical)

Chi-square (categorical vs categorical)

Note: Running the linear regression with intercept and slope results in a decreased performance compared to the basic linear regression method. The reason for this is that there are more calculations done at once, so that the values can be shown in the table, and also that the basic method includes a calculation optimization, where the result of comparing A-to-B is the same as comparing B-to-A. With the intercept -and-slope variant, this optimization is not possible, so the B-to-A combination has to be calculated separately.

Available Y-columns

The columns available for use on the Y-axis in the calculation.

Click a column name in the list to select it. To select more than one column, press Ctrl and click the column names in the list. Use the Add > button to send the selected columns to the Selected Y-columns field, see below.

Add >

Moves the selected columns from the Available Y-columns field to the Selected Y-columns field.

< Remove

Removes the selected columns from the Selected Y-columns field.

Remove All

Removes all columns from the Selected Y-columns field.

Selected Y-columns

The selected columns that you wish to compare against the columns below.

Available X-columns

The columns available for use on the X-axis in the calculation.

Click a column name in the list to select it. To select more than one column, press Ctrl and click the column names in the list. Use the Add > button to send the selected columns to the Selected X-columns field, see below.

Add >

Moves the selected columns from the Available X-columns field to the Selected X-columns field.

< Remove

Removes the selected columns from the Selected X-columns field.

Remove All

Removes all columns from the Selected X-columns field.

Selected X-columns

The selected columns. Categorical columns should typically not contain too many unique values. If more than 1000 unique values are available in a selected column, the resulting data relationships table for the Anova, Kruskal-Wallis and Chi-square options will display an error.

See also:

What is the Data Relationships Tool?

How to Use Data Relationships