Details on Hierarchical Clustering

To reach the Hierarchical Clustering dialog:

  1. On the menu bar, select Tools > Hierarchical clustering.



Data table

Lists the data tables currently available in the analysis. Select the data table for which you want to perform a clustering calculation.



   Select Columns

Click to open the Select Columns dialog, where you can select which columns to include in the clustering calculation.

Cluster rows

Select this check box to perform clustering on the rows in the data table.


Opens the Edit Clustering Settings dialog where you can define which clustering method, distance measure, and ordering weight to use for the clustering calculation. You can also define a normalization method and a method to use for replacing empty values.

To learn more about hierarchical clustering, see Overview of Hierarchical Clustering Theory. To learn more about normalization, see Normalizing Columns.

Cluster columns

Select this check box to perform clustering on the columns in the data table.


Opens the Edit Clustering Settings dialog where you can define which clustering method, distance measure, and ordering weight to use for the clustering calculation. You can also define a normalization method and a method to use for replacing empty values.

To learn more about hierarchical clustering, see Overview of Hierarchical Clustering Theory. To learn more about normalization, see Normalizing Columns.

See also:

Overview of Hierarchical Clustering Theory

What is the Hierarchical Clustering Tool?