Setting a Timeout for an Information Link

In some cases, loading data with an information link query takes a lot of time. To avoid long and unpredictable waiting times, you can set timeouts for information links. When the information link query takes longer than the specified duration, it is canceled.

To set a timeout data for individual information links, use the property InformationLinkTimeoutMinutes.

To set a timeout for an individual information link:

  1. In Information Designer, create or edit an information link.

  2. On the Information Link Tab, expand Properties.

  3. Click Add.

  4. In the Add/Edit Information Link Property dialog, fill in the following information:

  5. Comment: If you don’t specify this property, as a default no timeout is set. Also, a value of 0 or less means no timeout.

  6. Click OK to add the property.

Note: While InformationLinkTimeoutMinutes sets a timeout for loading data, you can also set a connection or a login timeout on a more general level. In data source templates on the Spotfire Server, you can set these timeouts for data sources that build on a data source template. For more information, see Advanced connection pool configuration.

See also:

Creating an Information Link