How to Use the Parallel Coordinate Plot

To create a new parallel coordinate plot:

  1. On the authoring bar, click    to open the Visualization types flyout.

  2. Drag the Parallel coordinate plot visualization to the wanted position on the analysis page.

    Response: A first attempt to set up a suitable parallel coordinate plot is made.

  3. Adjust the parallel coordinate plot to display the columns of your choice, by right-clicking the visualization and selecting Properties.

  4. Select Columns.

  5. Add/Remove the columns you want to show on the X-axis.

  6. Click Close.

To apply coloring:

  1. On the authoring bar, click to open the Data in analysis flyout.

  2. In the flyout, drag the column you want to color by to the center of the visualization.

    Response: Drop targets are shown in the middle of the visualization.

  3. Drop the column on the Color target.

    Response: The lines are colored with one color for each category in the selected column. If the lines have not been previously split by adding a Line By column, the lines will be split according to the color categories.

    Comment: To learn more about coloring in Spotfire, see Coloring Overview.

See also:

What is a Parallel Coordinate Plot?

Parallel Coordinate Plot Properties