Table Properties – General




When the ${AutoTitle} option is used, the title of a visualization changes when you configure the visualization differently.

An alternative option is to enter a title of the visualization in the field.

Tip: Double-click the title bar of the visualization, and type a new title.


Opens the Edit Title dialog where you can add properties to the title so that it changes with a selection. For example, you may want the visualization title to change with the data table or with a property specified through a property control in a text area. See Titles and Descriptions Overview for some examples.

Show title bar

Specifies whether or not to show the visualization title.


A description of the visualization. This description can optionally be shown in the legend and/or in the visualization.


Opens the Edit Description dialog where you can add properties to the description so that it changes with a selection. For example, you may want the description to change with the data table or with a property specified through a property control in a text area. See Titles and Descriptions Overview for some examples.

Show description in visualization

Specifies whether or not to show the description in the visualization.

See also:

Table Properties

How to Use the Table

What is a Table?