Developing mods
The Spotfire environment allows you to enhance the base functionality with your own custom visualizations, or scripts that can perform different actions. To provide a secure development and usage environment, the mods framework has been created.
When mods of different types are developed, they are signed by the author, and the company or the end user, can determine whether they want to trust the custom code, based on their trust in the signer.
On the Spotfire® Mods website on GitHub, you find complete information about mod development such as prerequisites, a getting started guide, and technical details.
The Mods development tool is where you can connect to the mods you are developing. You can reach the tool from .
- Visualization mods
Although Spotfire offers many different visualization types, you might miss a certain way to visualize your data. To fill that gap, Spotfire provides a framework which makes it possible for a developer to extend Spotfire with new customized visualizations. Through the provided Spotfire mod API, these customized visualizations can be created using JavaScript or TypeScript, and they are called visualization mods. - Action mods
An action mod is a collection of actions (scripts) that are packaged together, which makes it easy to share and reuse actions in your analyses. Actions within a mod can be run from triggers in visualizations or text areas, or directly from the library. The action mod is developed in a similar way as a visualization mod; it can be developed and tested within the context of an analysis where it will be used. The scripts in an action mod can share common code and include libraries needed by the scripts, and they can be trusted and saved for reuse in multiple analyses. - The Mods development tool
The Mods development tool gives you an overview of the mods that you have in development and that are used in the analysis. You can also test run actions in your action mods and save configurations for later use.
- Visualization mods
Although Spotfire offers many different visualization types, you might miss a certain way to visualize your data. To fill that gap, Spotfire provides a framework which makes it possible for a developer to extend Spotfire with new customized visualizations. Through the provided Spotfire mod API, these customized visualizations can be created using JavaScript or TypeScript, and they are called visualization mods. - Action mods
An action mod is a collection of actions (scripts) that are packaged together, which makes it easy to share and reuse actions in your analyses. Actions within a mod can be run from triggers in visualizations or text areas, or directly from the library. The action mod is developed in a similar way as a visualization mod; it can be developed and tested within the context of an analysis where it will be used. The scripts in an action mod can share common code and include libraries needed by the scripts, and they can be trusted and saved for reuse in multiple analyses. - The Mods development tool
The Mods development tool gives you an overview of the mods that you have in development and that are used in the analysis. You can also test run actions in your action mods and save configurations for later use.