Preparing to Install Team Studio

Before you install Team Studio, you configure the server to prepare for the installation.

Peform this task on a Linux server.

Note: If you are installing on a DCA, use PuTTY to establish an ssh connection to the GPDB Standby Master or DIA Module.


Verify that your environment meets the prerequisites specified in System Requirements.


  1. Create the user chorus at the shell prompt.
    # useradd chorus
    # groupadd chorus
    # passwd chorus
    Note: When you enter the command passwd chorus, you are prompted for the password. For a DCA installation, specify choruschorus. For a non-DCA installation, you can specify anything. If you specify chorus as the password, the installation displays a message (as shown in the following example) about not using a dictionary word. However chorus is accepted after you enter it a second time.
    [root@smdw/]# passwd chorus
    Changing password for user chorus.
    New UNIX password:<Enter chorus here>
    BAD PASSWORD: it is based on a dictionary word
    Retype new UNIX password:<Enter chorus again>
    passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.

    Although the system does not display a confirmation, chorus is accepted as the password.

  2. Switch user to chorus.
    # su - chorus
  3. Update the user's .bash_profile.
    1. Open a text editor.
      $ vi ~/.bash_profile
    2. Add the following line to the .bash_profile to set the JAVA_HOME variable.
      export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/latest
    3. Close .bash_profile and source it to activate the changes.
      $ source ~/.bash_profile
    4. Return to root.
      $ exit
  4. Create the installation and data directories as the root user.
    1. Create the path for the installation binaries.
      # mkdir -p /usr/local/chorus
      # chown -R chorus:chorus /usr/local/chorus
    2. Create the path for shared data.
      # mkdir -p /data/chorus
      # chown -R chorus:chorus /data/chorus
      /usr/local/chorus and /data/chorus are the directories that are suggested to you when you run the installation script. You can substitute any directory names as long as they are owned by the chorus user.
    Note: Greenplum recommends 500GB of free disk space for production level usage. You can run the df -h command as root to see the free space you have on your mounted file systems. 1GB is sufficient for trial usage.
    Note: If you are installing on a DCA, skip the remaining steps.
  5. Verify kernel settings as the chorus user.

    Maximum user processes must be >= 131072. Number of open files must be >= 65536.

    $ ulimit -a
    1. As root user, modify the lines below in two locations.
      • In the file /etc/security/limits.conf.
      • In the file /etc/security/limits.d/90-nproc.conf.
      * soft nofile 65536
      * hard nofile 65536
      * soft nproc 131072
      * hard nproc 131072
  6. Set the following parameters in /etc/sysctl.conf.
    kernel.shmmax = 500000000
    kernel.shmall = 4000000000
  7. If you made the changes to the configuration parameters in steps 5 and 6, restart the server.