Setting the Port Number for Team Studio (Chorus) Server

The Team Studio chorus application is a server running on a host machine at a specified port. In this procedure, the port for is set to 8081.

Perform this task from a command line on the computer where Team Studio chorus server is installed. Stop the service before changing the configuration.


You must have administrative privileges to change the properties and configuration files.


  1. Using a text editor, open the file for editing.
  2. Find the property server_port.
    public_url =
  3. Set the port number to 8081.
    Note: 8081 is an example value. You can use any available port number.
    public_url =
    server_port = 8081
  4. Using a text editor, open the file $CHORUS_HOME/shared/ALPINE_DATA_REPOSITORY/configuration/alpine.conf.
  5. Set the chorus port property to the new port number in the alpine configuration.
    alpine {
        chorus {
            scheme = HTTP
            port = 8081
  6. Restart the service.