Setting Up Your Environment

Follow this procedure to set up your environment for building a source operator.


  1. If desired, open the PluginTemplateProject in IntelliJ. This includes the correct folder structure and metadata to build your operator.
  2. Right-click on PluginTemplateProject/src/main/scala, and choose Mark Directory As...Generated Sources Root.
  3. Create a package in PluginTemplateProject/src/main/scala to hold your operator code. Use your company's naming scheme for packages if you have one; we called our package com.mycompany.plugins.
  4. Within that package, create a Scala file called SimpleDatasetGenerator.scala.
    Your code should look like this so far:
    package com.mycompany.plugins
    class SimpleDatasetGenerator {

    You will not need this auto-generated class, so you can delete it.