Installing and Configuring Maven

The Team Studio Custom Operator Framework requires Maven 3.x. Any version higher than 3.0.5 works.

Perform this task from the command line of your development computer. Depending on your system and your needs, there are two ways to install Maven: manually, or using your package manager and Homebrew. This task describes installing and configuring Maven manually.


Download a compatible version of Maven. You can download maven from Apache Maven site.


  1. Unpack the archive where you would like to store the binaries. A directory called apache-maven-3.x.y is created.
  2. Add the bin/ directory to your PATH.
    • Take note of Maven's considerations for Windows.
    • For Mac OS X, the path is defined in .bash_profile.
    • For Windows, add your maven bin/ location to the PATH environment variable.
  3. Run mvn --version from your terminal or command prompt to verify that it is correctly installed.