Enable Oracle Databases

This topic describes how to enable an Oracle database prior to adding Oracle as a data source.



  1. Place the Oracle client driver JAR, ojdb8.jar, in the following locations:
    <installation directory>/shared/ALPINE_DATA_REPOSITORY/jdbc_driver/
    <installation directory>/shared/ALPINE_DATA_REPOSITORY/jdbc_driver/Public
    <installation directory>/shared/libraries
    Note: If the JAR file is not in the correct place, the error "JDBC Driver class not found" appears.
    You can find the Oracle client driver at http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/database/enterprise-edition/jdbc-112010-090769.html.
  2. Set the following permissions on the file:
    chmod 644 ojdbc8.jar
    chown chorus:chorus ojdbc8.jar
  3. Set oracle.enabled to true in the chorus.properties file and restart Team Studio.