Line Chart

Produces a line chart for a user-specified X-axis and Y-axis, and aggregates the values in the Y-axis.

line chart icon

Information at a Glance


Category Explore
Data source type HD
Send output to other operators Yes
Data processing tool Spark SQL

Line Chart takes the parameters you specify and charts the aggregated X-axis column(s) and Y-axis columns, using Plotly to display an interactive chart. You can choose multiple columns to graph as long as they all use the same aggregation method.


A single tabular data set.

Bad or Missing Values
Line Chart filters data on the Y-axis selector to select numeric values only, because this column has numeric operations performed on it. The operator cannot automatically convert dates that are put in as character arrays, so conversion is the user's responsibility. The operator handles null values by skipping fully null data points, but it also can manage them in aggregations.


Parameter Description
Notes Notes or helpful information about this operator's parameter settings. When you enter content in the Notes field, a yellow asterisk appears on the operator.
X-Axis Values The column by which to group or aggregate and display on the x-axis.
Y-Axis Values The column used on the y-axis of the chart. These are the numeric values that are aggregated based on the x-axis value or category.
Aggregation Method The type of aggregation to perform on the numeric y-axis values. The options are the following.
  • Average
  • Count
  • Maximum
  • Minimum
  • Sum
Maximum Number of Plot Points The maximum number aggregations that are plotted on the line.

For example, if you have 100 values, and you aggregate the sum according to each value and set the parameter to 90, then Line Chart plots only the first 90 aggregated values and ignores the last 10 aggregated values.

Output Directory The location to store the output files.
Output Name The name to contain the results.
Overwrite Output Specifies whether to delete existing data at that path.
  • Yes - if the path exists, delete that file and save the results.
  • No - fail if the path already exists.
Advanced Spark Settings Automatic Optimization
  • Yes specifies using the default Spark optimization settings.
  • No enables providing customized Spark optimization. Click Edit Settings to customize Spark optimization. See Advanced Settings dialog for more information.


Visual Output
A custom visualization for the X/Y line chart, and a table of resulting aggregations.
Data Output
An aggregated data set as shown in the table component.