Alpine Forest Predictor - MADlib

Uses the model trained by Alpine Forest (MADlib) and scores the results. It must be connected to an Alpine Forest (MADlib) operator.

Information at a Glance


Category Model
Data source type DB
Send output to other operators Yes
Data processing tool MADlib

The Alpine Forest - MADlib operator uses the MADlib built-in function, forest_train(), to generate multiple decision trees, the combination of which is used to make a prediction based on several independent columns. Each decision tree is generated based on bootstrapped sampling and a random subset of the feature columns. The destination of the output of this operator must be an Alpine Forest Predictor (MADlib) operator. MADlib 1.8 or higher must be installed on the database.

This operator must be connected to Alpine Forest (MADlib) and an operator that produces a database table output. For more information, see the official MADlib documentation.

Note: This operator works only with MADlib 1.8 or higher.


Parameter Description
Notes Notes or helpful information about this operator's parameter settings. When you enter content in the Notes field, a yellow asterisk appears on the operator.
Prediction Column The name of the prediction column.
Prediction Data Type The data type of the prediction column.
Output Schema The schema for the output table or view.
Output Table Specify the table path and name where the output of the results is generated. By default, this is a unique table name based on your user ID, workflow ID, and operator.
Drop If Exists Specifies whether to overwrite an existing table.
  • Yes - If a table with the name exists, it is dropped before storing the results.
  • No - If a table with the name exists, the results window shows an error message.
