Null Value Replacement Configuration dialog (HD)

Specifies the columns for which to replace the null values. You can replace either null string values or null numeric values.

Setting Description
Defaults: Strings The provided string replaces all null string values in the selected columns. By default, ''.
Defaults: Numerics The provided function replaces all null numeric values in the selected columns.
  • All selects every column displayed in the list.
  • None clears every selected checkbox.
Column Name Select the checkbox for the column name for which to replace null values. Only selected columns are available for null value replacement. Column names display the data type.
Value or Function
  • The string value provided in the text box replaces any null string values in the selected column.
  • The function selected from the dropdown list box replaces any null numeric values in the selected column. Can be one of the following.
    • Average
    • Approximate Median
    • Minimum
    • Maximum
    • Fixed value

The Fixed value option is not aggregated. Aggregated values can be calculated either for the entire dataset or for groups by selecting one or more columns for grouping.

Compute aggregates by Click Select Columns to specify which column(s) to aggregate by for null numeric values for the entire data set. See Select Columns dialog for more information.

Replacing Null DateTime Values

If your selected null value column is a datetime data type, it can be compared to any other ISO formatted DateTime value.

Note: ISO provides an international data exchange format framework for DateTime data types that converts all datetime values into the number of milliseconds since 1970. Therefore, the DateTime data can be treated as a numeric column, and any of the aggregate value functions can be applied to replace a null DateTime value (Average Date).

Specify the appropriate output data type format for the replacement DateTime value following Joda-Time API formatting. For details, see ISO DateTime Format.