- accessing data
- transaction locks and, Locking
- Active, Partition States
- active node, Partitions
- migrating, Migrating a Partition
- adapters, Connectivity
- endpoint, Endpoints, Sessions, and Services
- service, Endpoints, Sessions, and Services
- session, Endpoints, Sessions, and Services
- administration, Deployment in Depth, Management Tool, Management Tool
- geographic redundancy, Managing Nodes
- service discovery, Discovery Service
- application, Applications, Conceptual Model
- archive, Applications
- configurable, Business Solution
- discoverable, Business Solution
- distributed, Business Solution
- elastic, Business Solution
- extensible, Business Solution
- fragments, Applications
- geographic redundancy, Business Solution
- highly available, Business Solution
- node deploy configuration, Applications
- application architecture, StreamBase Applications in Depth, High Availability, High Availability
- applications
- application archive, Design Time
- deploy-time, Deploy Time
- design time, Design Time
- fragment, Design Time
- fragment type, Design Time
- asynchronous methods, Asynchronous Methods
- distributed reference, Asynchronous Methods
- execution ordering, Asynchronous Methods
- overview, Asynchronous Methods
- shutdown behavior, Asynchronous Methods
- target object deleted, Asynchronous Methods
- transaction isolation, Asynchronous Methods
- availability zone, Conceptual Model, Availability Zones
- cache policy, Cache Policies
- always, Cache Policies
- never, Cache Policies
- sized, Cache Policies
- caching
- default caching distributed object, Named Caches
- default caching local managed object, Named Caches
- default caching replica object, Named Caches
- class upgrades
- overview, Online Upgrades
- cluster name, Deploy Time
- cluster upgrades, Cluster Upgrades
- operating system versions, Cluster Upgrades
- product versions, Cluster Upgrades
- clusters, Conceptual Model, Clusters
- commit, Locking
- configuration, Configuration, StreamBase Configuration in Depth, Configuration Notifiers, Configuration Notifiers
- active, Configuration Life Cycle
- active version, Configuration
- audit, Configuration Life Cycle
- class, StreamBase Configuration in Depth
- inactive, Configuration Life Cycle
- life cycle, StreamBase Configuration in Depth, Configuration Life Cycle
- loaded, Configuration Life Cycle
- notifier, StreamBase Configuration in Depth
- notifiers, Configuration Notifiers
- objects, StreamBase Configuration in Depth
- removed, Configuration Life Cycle
- replacing, Replacing a version
- states, Configuration Life Cycle
- syntax, Configuration
- type, StreamBase Configuration in Depth
- version, StreamBase Configuration in Depth, Configuration Life Cycle
- conflict resolution
- instance added, Restoring a Cluster, Default Conflict Resolution
- key conflict, Restoring a Cluster, Default Conflict Resolution
- state conflict, Restoring a Cluster, Default Conflict Resolution
- trigger, Restoring a Cluster
- connectivity
- adapters, Connectivity
- creating and deleting objects
- extent not locked, Locking
- high availability, Location Discovery
- creating, updating, and deleting objects
- state conflict during, State Conflicts
- data distribution policy, Conceptual Model, Data Distribution Policies
- data distribution policy binding, Conceptual Model
- data mapper, Conceptual Model, Partitioned Object
- distributed consistent hashing, Distributed Consistent Hashing
- inheritance, Partitioned Object
- partition assignment algorithms, Partitioned Object
- round-robin, Round-robin
- deadlocks
- detection, Deadlock Detection
- deferred write protocol
- disabled on remote method invocation, Deferred Write Protocol
- discovery (see location discovery)
- distributed
- deferred write protocol, Deferred Write Protocol
- distributed consistent hashing, Distributed Consistent Hashing
- distributed objects, Cache Policies
- (see also cache policy)
- distributed reference
- shared memory timestamp, Locations
- distributed references, Location Transparency
- distributed transactions
- detected communication failures, Distributed Transaction Failure Handling
- network errors, Network Error Handling
- transaction initiator failure, Distributed Transaction Failure Handling
- undetected communication failures, Distributed Transaction Failure Handling
- distribution, Distributed Computing in Depth, Distributed Transaction Failure Handling
- and transactions, Local and Distributed Transactions
- (see also accessing data)
- extents, Extents
- heterogeneous platform support, Connectivity
- life-cycle, Lifecycle
- managed objects, Distributed Computing in Depth
- master node, Distributed Computing in Depth
- overview, Distributed Computing
- read field, Reading and Writing Object Fields
- remote node states, Remote Node States
- SSL, Connectivity
- TCP/IP, Connectivity
- transaction deadlock timeout, Deadlock Detection
- UDP, Connectivity
- write field, Reading and Writing Object Fields
- durable object store (see persistence)
- overview, Durable Object Store
- dynamic data distribution policy, Conceptual Model, Data Distribution Policies
- dynamic discovery, Location Discovery
- dynamic partition, Conceptual Model, Data Distribution Policies
- endpoint, Endpoints, Sessions, and Services
- engine, Deploy Time, Conceptual Model
- relationship to node, Conceptual Model
- start, Start Engine
- stop, Stop Engine
- suspend, Suspend Engine
- engines
- life cycle, Engines
- epadmin, Management Tool
- extents, Extents
- and locking, Locking
- HA (see high availability)
- high availability, High Availability, High Availability in Depth, Geographic Redundancy, Geographic Redundancy
- geographic redundancy, Geographic Redundancy
- multi-master, Node Quorum
- node quorum, Node Quorum
- overview, High Availability
- partition active on multiple nodes, Node Quorum
- high availability objects
- remote create, Location Discovery
- highly available data
- data mapper, Partitioned Object
- machine, Conceptual Model
- managed object
- cache policy, Cache Policies
- managed objects, Managed Objects, Managed Objects in Depth, Flush Notifier, Flush Notifier
- (see also replicated objects)
- asynchronous methods, Asynchronous Methods
- caching, Named Caches
- durability, Durability
- engine restart, Durability
- explicit deletion required, Life Cycle
- keys, Keys and Queries
- life cycle of, Life Cycle
- machine restart, Durability
- node or machine failure, Durability
- node restart, Durability
- overview, Managed Objects
- queries, Keys and Queries
- management, Platform Services
- nodes, Managing Nodes
- Migrating, Partition States
- migrating
- force replication, Migrating a Partition
- migration
- master node, Locations
- named cache, Named Caches
- adding a class, Cache Association
- inheritance, Cache Association
- network addresses
- mapping to location codes, Location Discovery
- node, Deploy Time, Managing Nodes
- installation, Install Node
- life cycle, Nodes
- logging, Node Logging
- remove, Remove Node
- start, Start Node
- state change notifiers, Remote Node State Change Notifiers
- stop, Stop Node
- terminate, Terminate Node
- node deploy configuration, Deploy Time
- node names
- with highly available create, Location Discovery
- node quorum
- disabled, Disabling Node Quorum
- minimum number of votes, Node Quorum
- percentage of votes, Node Quorum
- recovering partitions with multiple active nodes, Disabling Node Quorum
- states, Node Quorum States
- node quorum state
- Active, Node Quorum States
- Disabled, Node Quorum States
- Partial, Node Quorum States
- node state
- Discovered, Remote Node States
- Down, Remote Node States
- Duplicate Location, Remote Node States
- Duplicate Timestamp, Remote Node States
- In Down Notifier, Remote Node States
- In Up Notifier, Remote Node States
- Undiscovered, Remote Node States
- Unsupported Protocol, Remote Node States
- Up, Remote Node States
- nodes, Conceptual Model
- detecting failure of, Detecting Failed Nodes
- failure detection interval, Detecting Failed Nodes
- identification of, Locations
- location code, Locations
- migrating partition, Migrating a Partition
- naming, Locations
- timestamp, Locations
- transaction spanning of, Local and Distributed Transactions
- transparent access to active node, Active Node Transparency
- nonResponseTimeoutSeconds, Detecting Failed Nodes
- notifiers
- transaction, Transaction Notifiers
- object flushing
- distributed object, Object Flushing
- local object, Object Flushing
- notifier, Flush Notifier
- replica object, Object Flushing
- throttling, Object Flushing
- object identity, Location Transparency
- object locking (see migration)
- object references, Distributed Computing in Depth
- distributed, Location Transparency
- objects
- location transparency of, Location Transparency
- network location of, Locations
- representation on multiple nodes, Distributed Computing in Depth
- partition, Conceptual Model
- active node, Partitions
- disable, Enabling and Disabling Partitions
- enable, Enabling and Disabling Partitions
- foreign, Foreign Partitions
- objects in disabled partition, Enabling and Disabling Partitions
- remote define, Remotely Defined and Enabled Partitions
- remote enable, Remotely Defined and Enabled Partitions
- replica node, Partitions
- partition failover
- node list updates, Failover
- partition state, Partition States
- active, Partition States
- initial, Partition States
- migrating, Partition States
- notifiers, Partition state change notifiers
- replicating, Partition States
- unavailable, Partition States
- updating, Partition States
- partition status, Partition Status
- LocalDefined, Partition Status
- LocalDisabled, Partition Status
- LocalEnabled, Partition Status
- RemoteDefined, Partition Status
- RemoteEnabled, Partition Status
- partitioned object, Partitioned Object
- partitioned objects
- updating partitions, Updating Object Partition Mapping
- partitions, Partitions
- active node transparency, Active Node Transparency
- definition of, Defining Partitions
- failover, Failover
- inconsistent node lists, Defining Partitions
- migrating, Migrating a Partition
- redefining, Defining Partitions
- restore, Restore
- performance
- and distributed deadlock detection, Deadlock Detection
- prepare
- transaction, Prepare
- proxy service discovery, Proxy Discovery
- RemoteDefined, Partition Status
- RemoteEnabled, Partition Status
- remove, Remove Node
- replica data, Partitions
- replica node
- migrating, Migrating a Partition
- replica nodes, Partitions
- Replicating, Partition States
- replication, Replication
- asynchronous, Replication
- asynchronous consistency errors, Replication
- asynchronous modifications always done on active node, Replication
- synchronous, Replication
- synchronous modifications, Replication
- replication node
- error handling, Error Handling
- rollback, Locking
- due to deadlock, Deadlock Detection
- for automatic state conflict resolution, State Conflicts
- logging, Transaction Logging
- secondary store, Durable Object Store
- security, Security
- service, Endpoints, Sessions, and Services
- service discovery, Discovery Service
- network protocol, Network Architecture
- properties, Discovery Service
- proxy service discovery, Proxy Discovery
- waiting for responses, Network Architecture
- service name, Service Names
- fully qualified, Service Names
- partially qualified, Service Names
- service type
- application, Service Types
- cluster, Service Types
- distribution, Service Types
- eventflow, Service Types
- http, Service Types
- liveview, Service Types
- node, Service Types
- session, Endpoints, Sessions, and Services
- split-brain (see multi-master)
- start, Start Node, Start Engine
- state conflicts, State Conflicts
- static data distribution policy, Conceptual Model, Data Distribution Policies
- static discovery, Location Discovery
- static partition, Conceptual Model
- stop, Stop Node, Stop Engine
- suspend, Suspend Engine
- system management, System Management in Depth, Security, Security
- security, Security
- target, System Management in Depth
- terminate, Terminate Node
- TIBCO StreamBase
- JVM, What is TIBCO StreamBase?
- transaction isolation
- extents, Isolation
- objects, Isolation
- read committed snapshot, Isolation
- read consistency, Isolation
- serializable, Isolation
- transactions, Transactions in Depth, Transaction Logging, Transaction Logging
- distributed, Local and Distributed Transactions
- failover processing, Active Node Transparency
- global transaction spanning nodes, Local and Distributed Transactions
- history record size, Distributed Transaction Failure Handling
- isolation, Isolation, Locking
- local vs distributed, Local and Distributed Transactions
- locking behavior, Locking
- logging, Transaction Logging
- outcome voting, Distributed Transaction Failure Handling
- overview, Transactions
- transaction outcome voting history buffer configuration, Distributed Transaction Failure Handling
- triggers, Triggers
- XA integration
- transaction, Prepare