This page provides a reference for migrating from a previous StreamBase release to TIBCO Spotfire Data Streams 10.4.x.
If your current release is StreamBase 10.2.x, study the Migrating to 10.3 page before reading this page.
- New Product Names and License Terms
Release 10.4 introduces new named product groups and new licensing terms:
- TIBCO® Streaming
TIBCO Streaming is an assembly of TIBCO software technologies in a single licensable collection. TIBCO Streaming includes TIBCO StreamBase®, TIBCO LiveView™, and related products. See What is TIBCO Streaming?.
- TIBCO® Spotfire Data Streams
TIBCO Spotfire Data Streams is a subset of the TIBCO Streaming package configured for the sole purpose of serving live data to TIBCO Spotfire. See What is TIBCO Spotfire Data Streams?.
- Must Use New, Empty Studio Workspace
TIBCO has always recommended starting with a new, empty StreamBase Studio workspace to contain projects for each new major release. You can import projects from your previous workspace to continue working on them.
This recommendation is especially important for StreamBase 10.2.x users, who MUST preserve 10.2.x projects separately.
- Changes for the New StreamBase Project Wizard
The New StreamBase Project wizard's steps are simplified, with fewer decisions to make.
- Simplified Docker Image Creation
The steps in the New Project wizard to create a StreamBase Application configured as a Docker image are reduced to a single check box. This change cascades into simplified steps and other changes in the Using Docker instructions.
In particular, the docker run command must now include a NODENAME variable setting, as discussed in epadmin Connection to Docker Images.
- Nodes Now Join the Cluster When Node is Started
As of StreamBase 10.4.2, nodes now join the cluster when a node is started. Previously, a node would join the cluster when the node was installed. Any reliance on the previous behavior must be updated.