Class FlowValidationProblemList.FlowValidationException

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Enclosing class:

    public class FlowValidationProblemList.FlowValidationException
    extends TCSRuntimeException

    An inner class for flow validation exceptions. The validator returns a validation result that contains any errors or warnings encountered. That result can also be converted to an exception of this type that contains the errors and warnings.

    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • FlowValidationException

        public FlowValidationException​(String message)

        Create a new validation exception containing specified errors and warnings arising from the validation of a configuration.

        message - message
    • Method Detail

      • getProblems

        public FlowValidationProblemList getProblems()

        Return this exception's validation problems.

        the problems