Class TupleSchemaFactory

  • public class TupleSchemaFactory
    extends Object

    A factory that creates an EventFlow tuple Schema object given an EventFlow tuple schema configuration as represented using JSON Schema. It can also perform the reverse process of converting a schema object to its JSON Schema form. The factory supports external schema references in JSON Schema reference form, loading and then validating the referenced HOCON configuration before converting.

    • Constructor Detail

      • TupleSchemaFactory

        public TupleSchemaFactory​(ClassLoader classLoader)

        Create a new tuple schema factory. The specified class loader is used to find schemas specified by JSON Schema reference URI.

        classLoader - class loader to use when locating schemas identified by URI, null for current thread's context class loader
    • Method Detail

      • createSchema

        public Schema createSchema​(com.typesafe.config.Config sourceSchemaParent,
                                   String tupleSchemaPath,
                                   FlowValidationProblemList problems)

        Create a new EventFlow tuple schema given a HOCON configuration and a property name in that configuration that points to the schema. The property value is always a JSON Schema with OpenAPI 3.1 and TIBCO HCA extensions, either a full inline schema or a reference to an external schema.

        sourceSchemaParent - HOCON configuration containing the incoming schema. Assumed to be valid.
        tupleSchemaPath - path within the above configuration whose value holds the schema or external schema reference. If null or empty, the above configuration is assumed to be an inline schema
        problems - problem list, added to with any validation problems if the desired schema is an external reference that needs loading and validating
        tuple schema, null if no value found at the specified path (optional schema), or errors were encountered while loading and validating referenced schemas
      • toJSONSchema

        public static com.typesafe.config.Config toJSONSchema​(Schema schema)

        Convert an EventFlow tuple schema to JSON Schema.

        schema - schema to convert
        HOCON configuration
      • toSchemaXML

        public static String toSchemaXML​(Schema schema)

        Convert an EventFlow tuple schema object to its XML form.

        schema - EventFlow tuple schema
        schema in XML form