Set Data Source Credentials

To open an analysis or information link that requires data source authentication, use this task to specify the credentials.

This task should be performed before any Open Analysis from Library or Replace Data Table with Information Link tasks. To secure the login credentials, you must encrypt them using an X.509 certificate. Note that you must add one Set Data Source Credentials task for each data source that requires authentication.
Set Data Source Credentials dialog
Option Description
X.509 certificate subject Select a valid X.509 certificate. This is used to protect the security of the passwords used to connect to data sources. The valid certificates that are installed locally on your computer are listed in the drop-down list.
Note: The selected certificate must also be installed on the node that runs the Automation Services jobs.
Data source Select the data source for which you are setting credentials.
Username Enter the username to use when connecting to the specified data source.
Password Enter the password.