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Copyright © Cloud Software Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved

Chapter 2 Broker Installation : Installing Silver Fabric Brokers

Installing Silver Fabric Brokers
To install the Silver Fabric Broker, complete the following steps:
Task A Copy files before installation
To copy files used to install Silver Fabric:
Decide where to install the Broker. The recommended location for Unix machines is /opt/TIBCO/fabric; the recommended location for Windows is c:\TIBCO\fabric. This installation procedure refers to this installation directory as SF_HOME.
The following limitations apply to the Broker installation directory:
gzip -d -c TIB_Silver_Fabric*gz | tar xvf -
The TAR file contains the fabric directory. If you expand the archive in /opt/TIBCO, then /opt/TIBCO/fabric is created.
Install the unlimited strength JCE for your Java SDK. The files are located in SF_HOME/webapps/livecluster/WEB-INF/etc/jce. Follow the instructions in the README.txt for your SDK to install the files.
Task B Configure server settings
If you need to make changes to any of the following, make the changes to the appropriate config file or environment variable, as required:
Java Settings
You must set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to the root directory of your Java installation. If you are using a JRE instead of the JDK, you can set the JRE_HOME environment instead.
In Windows, to set the JAVA_HOME environment variable:
On the Advanced tab, select Environment Variables, and then add or edit JAVA_HOME to point to where the Java JDK installation is located, for example, C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_72.
In Unix, to set the JAVA_HOME environment variable, if the Java installation is located in java-install-dir:
export JAVA_HOME=java-install-dir; export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH
JAVA_HOME=java-install-dir; export JAVA_HOME; PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH; export PATH
setenv JAVA_HOME java-install-dir; setenv PATH $JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH; export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH
Default File Handle Limit
If you are installing a Broker on a Unix system and plan to run a large cloud, you may need to increase the default limit for the number of open file handles. The default on most Unix systems is 1024. In Linux, this is done in the /etc/security/limits.conf file.
Task C Start the Broker
Start the Broker, as follows:
Start the Windows Broker by running the server.bat file, located in the root directory of the Silver Fabric distribution. To test, open a command window and run server.bat run to launch the Broker and start Silver Fabric. The command window will contain log messages from the application server.
The server.bat script takes the following arguments:
The Broker is typically run as a Windows Service in production systems. To do so, open a command window and run service.bat with the following arguments:
In Windows 7, you must run the service.bat command as an administrator.
When installing as a service on Windows Server 2008, before starting the service, either add %JAVA_HOME%/bin to your PATH, or copy %JAVA_HOME%/bin/mscvr71.dll to a directory in your path.
For initial installation, install the Broker as a Windows service, then start the service.
Launch the Broker by invoking the script in the install directory with following arguments:
You can configure the Broker to launch automatically at system startup and stop cleanly at shutdown. Since the script conforms to the standard start/stop argument convention (“rc script”), you can accomplish this simply by linking to the appropriate files in the /etc/rc.d directories. For more information on initialization and termination scripts, refer to the init and init.d man pages on your Unix system and see A Sample Unix rc.d Script.
Task D Initialize Your Broker
After the Broker is running for the first time, you must initialize it.
To initialize the Broker:
Go to http://yourhost:port/livecluster to open the installation page.
There are two different options for installation: Typical, and Custom. The default is a Typical installation, which installs a Broker with all default settings. If you select Typical, click Next and skip to step 6.
To change any other parts of your configuration, choose Custom. Additional configuration steps let you further configure your Broker.
In the Silver Fabric Configuration page, select New Broker Installation, click Next, and enter values for each applicable item on each screen. For more information, on any page, click Page Help.
When installing a failover Broker, go through the installation process and install your primary Broker first. Then, install a second Broker on another machine, and when using the Custom option, change the Broker type option to failover.
Note that the username and password for the internal database, which is set on the Miscellaneous page, must be the same on both Primary and Failover Brokers.
After you complete a Custom or Typical installation, the Verify Setup Parameters screen shows the installation parameters. Review the parameters to ensure they are correct.To change parameters, restart the installation process with the Previous button.
When installing the Silver Fabric Broker on a Unix system, if the installer shows the fully qualified hostname for the Primary Broker name or uses the machine hostname as the full name, this can cause potential routing problems after installation. Change the hostname of the machine with the Custom install option. Go back to beginning of the installation screens and repeat the installation from Step 2, above, entering the correct DNS-resolvable hostname in the Local Installation screen.
If you are satisfied with the parameter values, click Start Installation to begin installation.
After Broker installation finishes, you are prompted to shut down the application server. On Windows machines, use the service stop command; in Unix, use the stop command. Restart the Broker, using the same command used earlier.
After restarting the application server, go to http://<yourhost>:<port>/livecluster again. You are prompted to enter a username, password, and password verification. This creates an initial admin user, also called the root user, which is in the cloud account. See the Silver Fabric Cloud Administration Guide for more information on the root user.
After creating the root user, the home page in the Administration Tool appears.

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