Cross Table Properties – Appearance




Show cell borders

Specifies whether or not cell borders should be visible between the cells in the cross table.

Allow table data export in Web Player

Specifies whether or not a Web Player user is allowed to export the data from the cross table.

Grand total for columns

Specifies whether or not the selected aggregation measure (for example, the sum) of all values in a column should be displayed without consideration for the categories creating the rows of the cells.

See note below for details on the calculation.

Grand total for rows

Specifies whether or not the selected aggregation measure (for example, the sum) of all values in a row should be displayed without consideration for the different column categories.

See note below for details on the calculation.

Use separate color for marked items

Select this check box to use the specified marking color to distinguish marked items in this visualization. If the check box is cleared, then unmarked items will be faded out instead, and the original color  will be kept for the marked items. See Marking in Visualizations for more information.

Note: The aggregated value for grand totals is not calculated on the values shown in the cross table, but on the underlying row values. For example, if "Average" is used as aggregation measure, the grand total average of a column is calculated on the rows the column is based on and not on the values shown in the cross table.

See also:

Cross Table Properties

How to Use the Cross Table

What is a Cross Table?