Details on Manage Data Connections

This dialog is used for managing data connections and connection data sources in the library.

  1. Select Tools > Manage Data Connections....




New Folder

Adds a new folder in the current location.

Add New

Allows you to add a new Data Source or Data Connection from one of the available sources. You can also add a new data connection based on an existing connection data source in the library using the Connection from Data Source in Library option.


Opens the Data Source Settings or Data Connection Settings depending on which item you have selected.


Deletes the selected item from the library.


Allows you to move the selected item to a different folder.


Allows you to save a copy of the selected item.


Allows you to rename the selected item.


Type in the search field to search for matching names in the current library location and all subfolders.

You can also search for a specific item type by entering type:dataconnection or type:connectiondatasource in the search field, or look for dependencies using the keywords depends_on() or required_by(). See Searching the Library for more information.

[Library path]

Displays your current location in the library. Click on a link to navigate back to a higher level.

See also:

What is a Data Connection?

What is a Connection Data Source?