How Are Conflicts Resolved?

Items and folders in the library are identified by two things: their name and a unique identifier (GUID). Several items can have the same name provided that they are not located in the same folder, but every item will always have a unique identifier. This identifier is used in external references to the item, such as a link to an analysis file that you can send to a colleague. If your colleague clicks the link, she can open the analysis file in TIBCO Spotfire. Here is an example of such a link:


Copy and Move

When you copy or move an item to a folder where an identically named item is already present, you must decide how to handle this conflict.


If an imported item has the same name or GUID as an existing item there will be a conflict. There are three options for how to handle this. These options are explained in detail below.

The following images explain in detail how various conflicts are handled. This is primarily important for library administrators about to import content into the library, since one should be aware of the result if there are conflicts on GUIDs or names. Each section starts with an image showing the task performed, and then the result is shown for each of the three options.

Name Conflict Resolution

Import Folder A from Library 1 to Library 2




Automatically rename copied item



Replace existing item



Keep existing item



GUID Conflict Resolution

Import Folder A from Library 1 to Library 2



Automatically assign new name or GUID to imported item



Replace existing item



Keep existing item



Name and GUID Conflict Resolution

Import Folder A from Library 1 to Library 2



Automatically assign new name or GUID to imported item



Replace existing item



Keep existing item
