Opening Files from the Library

The library provides publishing capabilities for all of your analysis materials, so you can share data with your colleagues. The library can be used directly from Spotfire by anyone who has at least read privileges.

  1. Select File > Open From > Library....

    Comment: You can also add data from the library using either of the Add Data Table tools, or the Replace Data Table tool.

  2. Navigate through the folders, and select the analysis file you want to open.

    Response: Information about the selected analysis file is displayed to the right of the list of folders and files.

    Comment: Which library folders you have access to is controlled by group privileges. Contact your Spotfire administrator if you cannot reach all the necessary data.

    Comment: SFS files created with Spotfire DecisionSite cannot be opened in Spotfire from the library. However, local SFS files can be opened using File > Open..., but in that case no visualizations or settings from the SFS file are retained.

    Comment: To limit the amount of items shown in the list, you can select Analysis File from the Show items of type drop-down.

  3. Click Open.

    Note: You can also search for a file in the library by entering a file name, or part of a file name in the search field in the upper right corner in the dialog, and then pressing Enter. All the files and folders matching your search string will then be listed. See Searching the Library for more information about search expressions.

Files published in the library can also be accessed directly by users of Spotfire Web Player by clicking on a link to the analysis in an email or on a website.

Tip: Right-click in the library tree to display a pop-up menu where you can delete or edit the properties of previously added files and folders. You can also copy the URL to an analysis and open the analysis in the Web Player or send the link to a colleague.

See also:

Opening an Analysis File

Opening a Text File

Opening an Excel File

Opening a SAS File

Opening an Information Link

Opening Data from a Database

Saving an Analysis File in the Library